More memorable is a very efficient and effective action drama, Rebel Ridge, which can be enjoyed on Netflix, although it would have made a perfectly fine theatrical release. Written, directed, and edited by Jeremy Saulnier, Rebel Ridge is a lean and mean drama in which Aaron Pierre plays a Black Marine Corps veteran on his way (with over $30,00 cash) to bail out his cousin, who’s being held in the southern town of Shelby Springs. After he is pulled (knocked) over by two unsympathetic cops, they take his money and warn him in no uncertain terms to get out of Dodge. He does not take their advice, which leads to conflicts with corrupt Police Chief Don Johnson (very good), and some unexpected support from a courthouse employee (Anna Sophia Robb, also good) who risks her position and her life to help the beleaguered Pierre. The film is deliberate and builds slowly and effectively, and convincingly presents Pierre’s character as having a code of honor to reclaim his stolen goods (and dignity) without killing anyone. The cat and mouse between Pierre and Johnson is well-developed, as both progress from a willingness to compromise to a mutual implacability that seemingly augurs mutual destruction. And then there is the question of which cop is covertly sympathetic to Pierre’s plight…I won’t spoil things, because there are some surprising turns, and the film’s payoff is quite satisfactory.Â