The Reggaestra “Tribute to Bunny Walker”

A review of The Reggaestra “Tribute to Bunny Walker” album produced by Grammy nominated producer Picstitch.
A review of The Reggaestra “Tribute to Bunny Walker” album produced by Grammy nominated producer Picstitch.

A review of The Reggaestra “Tribute to Bunny Walker” album produced by Grammy nominated producer Picstitch.

What could be more summer than Reggae I ask you!?  The Reggaestra “Tribute to Bunny Walker” is a celebration of the iconic Reggae artist Bunny Walker, an original member of Bob Marley’s Wailers.  

A review of The Reggaestra “Tribute to Bunny Walker” album produced by Grammy nominated producer Picstitch.
A review of The Reggaestra “Tribute to Bunny Walker” album produced by Grammy nominated producer Picstitch.

Grammy nominated producer Picstitch brings his unique and soulful touch to this incredible album. Bringing together some of the best Reggae musicians on the planet as an homage to Bunny Wailer.  

Solomonic Reggaestra, Bunny Wailers’ band, created this project while Buddy Wailer was falling ill, as a means to honor him and his huge contribution to music and Reggae in particular.  It’s a fitting tribute to such an icon with 14 tracks of some of his most popular songs from over his many years of making music.

Pitstich has worked with Sizzla, Half Pint, Mighty Diamond, Trilla U, George Nooks, Lukie D, Daddy U Roy, to name but a few.  His soulful vocals bring a whole new vibe to these gorgeous songs.  

Reggae is Jamaica’s gift to the world. It’s a light bringer, a joy giver and it created a cultural revolution, both in Jamaica and beyond.  Nothing brings a smile more quickly than a Reggae beat and no one can resist the urge to dance to it.

Bunny Walker and The Reggaestra have a lot to give us still and this new album reminds us all what incredible artists have come out of Jamaica and how important Reggae is to our world-wide musical identity.  I love this album and we are blessed to have these amazing musicians bring us this beautiful and transcendent music. 

Listen to The Reggaestra “Tribute to Bunny Walker” on Spotify.


Picstitch, Lead singer

Danny Axeman, bass guitar

Keith Sterlyn, Keyboard

Aubrey Manning, Drums

Barry Bailey, Trombone

Craig Henry, Trumpet








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