Created by Peter Gethers and Daniel Okrent. Directed by Jeremy Quinn.
Running April 25 through June 16, Thursday at 3pm & 8pm, Friday at 8pm, Saturday at 3pm & 8pm, and Sunday at 3pm & 7pm
If you yearn for the classic comedy of Sid Caesar or Mel Brooks then head on over to the Colony Theatre in Burbank.
“Old Jews Telling Jokes” is a brilliant 90 minutes of skits and sketches, set ups and one liners with four ridiculously funny actors seamlessly and fearlessly flitting from one routine to the next.
Some the jokes are pretty racey….but the audience loves a bit of blue! There are a lot of Jewish jokes of course, but mostly the humor is multi cultural really. We’ve all grown up with quintessential Jewish humor as the mainstay of comedy after all, so these days it’s universal!
Some comedy, a few songs and some wonderful performances from talented and hilarious actors having a ball on stage and you have the recipe for a great evening. It’s perfect family entertainment…with a side of sauce…not for kids!! I highly recommend it!
Julien Ari, Arthur S. Brown, Wendy Hammers, Danielle Kay, and Jeffrey Lesser.