Stay in touch with your artist self in 2023

Photo by Daniel Torobekov:
Photo by Daniel Torobekov:

[NoHo Arts District, CA] – This month’s acting blog from Fran Montano of Actors Workout Studio focuses on the need to “stay in touch with your artist self in 2023.”

For those of you who have been following me over the years, you may remember that each January at the beginning of the year I like to spend time talking about the business of being an actor.  As there is no specific curriculum in succeeding as an actor, you need to have a strategy and plan. Hence, I like to spend time on doing an honest evaluation of where you are at, setting reasonable and achievable goals, a task list, and create some kind of accountability situation.  This is not a business where you get a degree, apply for jobs and move up the ladder, (although it may work out that way). The reality is there are many actors who are well trained with degrees, credits and referrals, and may not get work. There are also people who simply call themselves actors who never studied, and do get work. That is the nature of this business.  Actors need to know this, accept this, and ultimately blaze their own trail.

For this month, instead of spending time on evaluations, lists of accomplishments and setting goals, I would like to focus on the heart of the artist. 

The part of you that keeps you in this work and ultimately drives you to continue.  I think it lies in the soul of the artist.  Staying in touch with who you are and why you are doing this, is what keeps you going and creatively alive.

Many actors come out here with the best intentions of being artists. They have a message, a purpose, a need for self expression to perform. They need to express themselves with the goal of touching others by inspiring, entertaining, and adding to the culture of humanity.    However, getting caught up in the business, many lose their way and become angry and bitter. And with social media, tick tok, instagram, facebook, the work of gaining followers, that can become its own business where one can get lost and obsessed.

So let’s get back to rediscovering yourself, your heart, purpose, and vision of who you are.  Find things that bring you back to yourself, so you can stay in touch with the artist within. Find books, stories, documentaries that speak to that.

Here are a few recommendations that I have found helpful to stay connected, grounded, and inspired. 

  • Julia Cameron has several books that speak to the artist, “The Artist’s Way,” a 12-week workbook to finding and staying on your path to higher creativity. Another is “The Vein of Gold,” a journey to your creative heart, and another, “The “Listening Path,” the Creative Art of Attention to stay connected to your creative soul. 
  • Biographies are great as well.  Bryan Cranston’s book, “A Life In Parts” is a great read about this humble, and brilliant actor’s artistic and personal journey. 
  • “Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing,”  is the personal memoir by Matthey Perry, honest, funny, eye opening, and poignant. 
  • David Chappelle has a wonderful piece on Netflix,  “What’s in a name?” where he speaks at his high school, who named a theater after him. He talks about his artistic journey in a powerful way that is moving and funny.

These are all inspiring and speak to the soul of the artist.  There are many more, find one that speaks to you.  

My message for January, is yes, pay attention to the business of being an actor, but spend some time  by tending to the business of your yourself, your artist, your soul, so you can keep the fire burning inside.

Best to you for 2023.

Fran Montano
Actors Workout Studio

Fran Montano
Fran Montano - is the owner and Artistic Director of The Actors Workout Studio, located in the NoHo Arts District for nearly 30 years. It is one of the longest running small, intimate theaters and Acting Schools in the Los Angeles area. AWS was created to being a “home” for aspiring and working actors were the work not only includes classes and training, but personal coaching, career planning, networking, showcasing, and regular performing. His students range from beginning actors, accomplished actors who work regularly in film, television, and stage, as well as numerous working directors and writers. His style is on an individual basis and in his small, intimate classes, it’s like working with a private coach. His reputation is in finding and breaking actors blocks Fran’s background as an actor, in producing, directing and theater makes him an excellent resource for actors in Los Angeles, in finding their way both in their talent, and promoting their career. Visit for more information and a schedule of classes and productions