Seven Tips for Preparing for a Trek

Seven Tips for Preparing for a Trek.

Enjoying the great outdoors through trekking can be pretty relaxing and challenging at the same time. Hence, you must prepare yourself physically and mentally for the rigors of the journey long before the day you start your trek. You don’t simply go out the door and walk through trails without preparation; you need to plan your trek and ensure you have everything you need to reach the summit or the trail’s end.

If you’re planning to go on a trek, consider the following tips to aid your preparation.

Start walking 

Conditioning is key to enjoying the great outdoors. If you want to trek and conquer different trails and summits, consider walking longer treks progressively in your neighborhood. You must intersperse a day or two of rest for your body to recover and adapt to the routine. Build your physical tolerance so you can succeed in your goal.

Don’t forget your cardio

Since you’re building physical tolerance, you must incorporate cardio exercises into your routine. Use a stationary bike or, if you have an appropriate bicycle, log miles to help you build leg strength and respiratory endurance and stamina. 

Invest in the right equipment 

The right equipment is key to a successful trek. You must have suitable clothing to protect your core temperature and proper footwear to keep your feet comfortable. If you don’t have the right gear yet, you can check out the Source Outdoor website for different options, from hydration equipment to indoor and outdoor gear. You can choose right equipment for your particular purposes to suit your needs.

Train to walk properly

It’s pretty basic how to walk, but you’ll be surprised how many people haven’t mastered the correct mechanics. Observe how you walk and do the necessary corrections if you’re not doing it correctly. Your heel should strike the ground before rolling into your toes to propel you to your next step. If you’re not doing this, you’re exposing yourself to the risk of tendon pulls and shin splints which are pretty painful conditions. Also, you should walk with your shoulders comfortably straight and with your eyes straight ahead. 

Mix up the terrain 

You must also train in various terrain with variable slopes and gradients. Consider trekking short distances on different ground types such as loose soil, gravel, rocky terrain, muddy trails, and the like. Don’t worry about getting your things dirty because you’ll probably experience the same things when trekking to your destination.

Walk in different weather

Expect to encounter different weather conditions when you attempt your trek. Rarely will you have a perfect hike through sunny weather. The wind could pick up, rain could suddenly pour, and the humidity level could rise. Such conditions could happen, and they would affect your trek. Being ready for any eventuality isn’t just about the gear and the weather.

Walk with poles

Walking with poles will help support your knees and decrease the stress put on them. They will also add leverage to boost you on the upward trails.


Trekking is a fun, adventurous way to see the great outdoors. However, you must train and prepare for long treks for your safety and enjoyment.Â