“Ripped” at Gallery 800

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Collage Artists of America’s annual juried exhibit will open at Gallery 800 on November 3, 2012 with an opening reception from 5pm – 8pm.  Sara L. Cannon of Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery is the juror.  Over 60 artists contributed to the exhibit.  Tanya Mikaela has won the top prize with “Brown Bag Buddha #17,” shown here.

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List of Artists:

Ruth Banarer
Susanne Belcher
Martha Blanchard
Sharon Brooks
Donna Geist Buch
Dallas Chase
Marian Devney
Lore Eckelberry
Julie Feldman
Joan Foster
Susan Gesundheit
Dafna Gilboa
Ben Goldman
Sylvia Goulden
Beverly Grossman
Vicky Hoffman
Charlotte Jones
Liza Julien
Gena Keith
Terrie King
Jo Ann Koch
J. Natasha Kostan
Marilyn Landau
Rachelle Mark
Darlene Mellein
Tanya Mikaela
Rea Nagel
Nancy Crandall Phillips
Laurie Plevin
Lois Ramirez
Shawn K. Riley
Karen Robbins
Launa Romoff
Toby Salkin
Marjorie Sarnat
John Selleck
Lili Sigel
Barbara Tabachnick
Betty Tokar
Anita VanTellengen
Carolann Watterson
Barbara Zager Schwartz
Jeanne Zinniker

Collage Artists of America Member Juried Exhibit

November 3–December 15, 2012

Artists’ Reception and Awards:
Saturday, November 3, 2012, 5–8 p.m.

Juror of Selection and Awards: Sara L. Cannon


Lankershim Arts Center, NoHo Arts District
5108 Lankershim Blvd.
North Hollywood, California 91601
(818) 763-8052 • www.gallery800.com
Hours: Thurs-Sat 2–8 p.m., Sun 2–6 p.m.


For more information about entry, contact CAA First Vice President–Exhibits and exhibit chair Susan Gesundheit soozworm@aol.com or (818)216-8901.

For public information about this exhibit, contact CAA Publicity Chair Marilyn Stempel marilyn@marilynstempel.com or (818) 980-8321.

For membership information, contact                 Collage Artists of America

CAA Membership Chair Toby Salkin                   11271 Ventura Blvd. #274

TSalkin@aol.com or (818) 888-3792                    Studio City CA 91604


About CAA:

Our Mission

The specific purpose of Collage Artists of America is to promote interest and participation in, and the study, appreciation and support of, collage, assemblage and related mixed-media art by providing resources such as educational programs, instructional workshops and art exhibits to its members and the public.

About Us

Originally known as California Collagists, Collage Artists of America was founded in 1988 by nine Los Angeles-area women proficient in a variety of media who sought to expand their creativity to encompass collage and assemblage. Two years later the current name of the organization was adopted and membership has grown across the United States. Many members are or have been instructors at all levels of education and exhibit widely both nationally and internationally.

Meetings are held five times a year and include stimulating programs presented by artists renowned for their work in collage and assemblage.

Juried exhibits are mounted each year at venues ranging from galleries and museums to online and alternative spaces.

In addition to exhibits and meetings, member benefits include workshops, newsletters and drawings. To maintain ties to the community and to promote the study of collage, CAA supports an annual scholarship for a deserving student.

About the Juror: Sara l. Cannon

carol-ripped.png - 41.26 KbSara L. Cannon is art curator and director of museum education and tours program at Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery (LAMAG) and Hollyhock House in Barnsdall Park. She is also director of the Bridge Art Gallery at Los Angeles city hall. She received her master’s degree in art history and museum studies from USC. Cannon is a lecturer, teacher, writer, and gives workshops and presentations to museum professionals, teachers, and general audiences in the field of museum education and art. She trains art educators for LAMAG’s education program and develops and runs the Hollyhock House docent program. She was president of the Museum Educators of Southern California and on the board of the Los Angeles chapter of ArtTable. Her education programming has received grants from the National Endowment for the Arts Museum Grants Program and from private foundations. Cannon produced a documentary on the Hollyhock House rehabilitation, Restoring the Romanza: The Rehabilitation of Hollyhock House. She co-curated the Inspired Vessel and From There to Here: Contemporary Southern California Artists from Israel exhibits at LAMAG, curated multiple exhibits on art and architectural history for Hollyhock House, and guest-curated exhibits around the Los Angeles area. She is planning the Inner Journeys, Outer Visions exhibit at LAMAG for February, 2013.


  1. If you ever wondered what ‘collage’ is…well Max Ernst and Picasso created collage as a recognized art form. Here’s a look at what’s happening now.

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