Music Review >> Wiz Khalifia – o.n.i.f.c.

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Wiz Khalifa is currently one of Hip-Hop’s hottest musicians and has recently realised his latest album ‘O.N.I.F.C.’. So how does it compare to ‘Rolling Papers’?

This CD is very different to it predecessor, it has a completely different vibe to it. Wiz has come back with a much more focused album. It definitely still contains the core essentials (weed and money) that he focuses on within his music, but it’s more thought out. Each beat and lyric has a purpose and you can hear the hard work that has been put into making this record. ‘Remember You’ is one of the biggest stand out tracks, it shows a more creative collaboration from Wiz. The two different genres blend well together and create a complete new sound for the rapper. All the collaborations on the LP work exceptionally well, especially the collaborations with The Weeknd and Lola Monroe.

The strongest track comes down between two tracks, those being ‘Work Hard Play Hard’ and ‘Remember You’. Both tracks are completely different, but both tracks are easily as intoxicating. ‘Work Hard Play Hard’ has a party anthem sound to it, whilst ‘Remember You’ has a more chilled out tone.. However, each song contains strong lyrics and a solid beat. It just depends what mood you are in really.

The main positive of the album is the tone and beats used. Each tracks has a different sound to it, making sure the listener is never left bored. There aren’t any complaints with the album, if you like Wiz’s content and style, this album is just about as good as it gets.

Overall, if you are a fan of Wiz Khalifa you will appreciate this album and it will not let you down. ‘O.N.I.F.C. is today’s Hip-Hop at its finest and one that I’m sure will have many singles come from it.

Rating: 8/10
