Wow, it’s been 15 months that we have been unable to teach classes in our North Hollywood studio. But, now we are going back to in-person acting classes.
For over a year we’ve made a transition and continued with zoom classes. The good news about that is we have been able to work with our actors, keeping them polished, in shape, and sharpening their skills. It’s been quite amazing to see how many of our actors got even more work as working in front of a camera improved their self-tapes and online auditions. Also, we have had international students, including actors from Germany, London, China, Australia, as well as all around the US. It’s been an exciting time.
We will be going back to in-person acting classes in July and will be providing both zoom and in-person classes.
That will accommodate our out-of-town actors as well as those not comfortable with in-person classes yet.
I’ve been getting a lot of questions and concerns from actors regarding the safety of classes and what they should be looking out for. I thought it would be worth addressing this, especially as California is now completely open for business.
First thing I tell actors is this: Regardless of Covid or not, find a class where you feel safe.
You want to feel safe emotionally and physically. You need to be challenged and at the same time pushed in a safe environment. You also want to be “seen” by your teacher. Studying acting is so much more than academics. It’s personal as each actor has their own emotional and personal issues that need to be addressed if they interfere with their acting process.
As far as Covid, it is up to each person to take responsibility for their own concerns, needs, and comfort level. I think an honest conversation with your teacher is most important.
- Will there be any restrictions?
- Will you need to wear a mask when working?
- Or how about when you’re not working and sitting in your seat watching?
- Will there be touching, kissing, or physical contact allowed?
Classes require a certain vulnerability and trust. Actors need to respect boundaries and if you can’t be vulnerable and feel safe, then you will not be able to be 100% present. Remember the camera sees everything so if you’re hiding or holding back, it will show up. Don’t let that be the situation for you. You should get the most out of a class that you can for your time and money.
The bottom line is to know what you are getting into and make sure you are comfortable with it for yourself.
Be careful of peer pressure and competition. Stand in your integrity. Everyone needs their own time to adjust to the changes ahead. Take your time and do it on your terms.
Stay safe.
Fran Montano
Actors Workout Studio