Gallery 800 – “Three Artists You Should Know”

The Art Directors Guild’s Gallery 800 presents 

Three Artists You Should Know” Exhibit


Award-Winning Designers From Scandal, My Fair Lady
and the Academy Awards® To Be Featured in Exhibit That Opens June 20

The Art Directors Guild (IATSE Local 800) announced today that Production Designer Corey Kaplan (Scandal), Oscar®-winning Production Designer Gene Allen (My Fair Lady) and Scenic Artist Stasys Pinkus (82nd Academy Awards) will have their artwork featured in Gallery 800′s annual exhibit Three Artists You Should Know. Running from June 20 – July 25, the exhibit’s opening reception will take place on Saturday, June 20 from 5 p.m. – 8 p.m. The hosted reception will feature live music, hosted bar and appetizers.

Corey Kaplan is currently the Production Designer for ABC’s hit series Scandal. Her previous work includes Cold Case and The X Files, which earned her two Emmy® nominations and two Art Directors Guild ‘Excellence in Production Design’ Awards. Her design work can also be seen on the pilot for the upcoming ABC Family sci-fi detective series Stitchers.
• Production Designer Gene Allen won an Academy Award® for his work on My Fair Lady (1964) and received two Oscar nominations for A Star Is Born (1954) and Les Girls (1957). Allen later went on to serve as President of the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences (1983-1985) and also as Executive Director of the Art Directors Guild. He received a Special Achievement Award from the Art Directors Guild in 1996.
Stasys Pinkus‘ work as a Scenic Artist for the past 30 years has included the Academy Awards, the Jimmy Kimmel Live show, billboards at Universal Studios and backdrops, murals and portraits for most major Hollywood studios.

Gallery 800 showcases Guild members’ personal art in a series of shows throughout the year. These talented artists are leading art department professionals, who, through a combination of observation, passion and imagination bring the writer’s words and the director’s vision to life in television and film. When not working as integral creative members of the entertainment community, they contribute to the fine art scene with their personal artwork.

Since Gallery 800 opened its doors in March 2009, more than 600 ADG members have shown their artwork in the ongoing exhibitions.

Representing Gallery 800 are Curator Denis Olsen and Manager Debbie Patton.

Gallery 800 (located at 5108 Lankershim Blvd. at the Historic Lankershim Arts Center in the heart of North Hollywood) is open Thursday through Saturday from 2pm to 8pm and Sunday from 2pm to 6pm. For questions about the gallery or artwork, contact (818) 763-8052 or gallery800@gmail.

Future Exhibits Include (subject to change):
• Still Life & Storytelling (Sept. 12– Oct. 17)
• Art Unites 9 (Nov. 7 – Dec. 12) 

About the Art Directors Guild:

The Art Directors Guild (IATSE Local 800) represents nearly 2,000 members who work throughout the United States, Canada and the rest of the world in film, television and theater as Production Designers, Art Directors, Assistant Art Directors; Scenic, Title and Graphic Artists; Illustrators and Matte Artists; and Set Designers and Model Makers. Established in 1937, the ADG’s ongoing activities include a Film Society; an annual Awards Banquet, a creative/technology community (5D: The Future of Immersive Design); a bimonthly craft magazine (Perspective); and extensive technology-training programs, figure drawing and other creative workshops and year-round Gallery 800 art exhibitions. The Guild’s Online Directory/Website Resource is at

Representing Gallery 800 are Curator Denis Olsen and Manager Debbie Patton. Gallery 800’s mission is to promote the works of talented entertainment industry professionals, in an intimate venue, on a personal level. Gallery 800 is located at 5108 Lankershim Blvd. at the Historic Lankershim Arts Center in the heart of NoHo.

Gallery 800 Hours:

Thursday – Saturday 2:00-8:00 pm
Sunday 2:00-6:00 pm
For more information, please visit the Gallery 800 website at 
Twitter: @ADG800