Fuzzy Bottom Theatre Company Presents “Pandora’s Box.” Written by April Littlejohn. Directed by April Littlejohn, Karla Davis and Brendan Lynch.
Running March 22 through April 7, Friday & Saturday at 8pm, Sunday at 2pm
Whitmore Lindley Theatre, 11006 Magnolia Blvd., North Hollywood, 91601
Yet another fantastical escapade from the slightly twisted mind of April Littlejohn and Fuzzy Bottom Theatre Company.
Four stories straight from the mind of the mythical character Pandora. Her ”box” was filled with sickness, death and many other unspecified evils and were released into the world when she opened it, just for a moment. Once closed, all that remained inside was hope.
Her four stories, performed by the talented and lovely company of actors, are modern fables and parables about love, lust, obsession and narcissism, all laced with a wicked sense of humor. The tales that unfold on stage are as varied as a man who loves deeply but feels physical pain at the slightest touch, to another whose addiction to sex and detachment from love makes him impotent..until he can be unlocked by a dominatrix.
The show is sprinkled liberally with movement and dance, costumes and fairies and even a faun. There is sauciness, naughtiness and some pretty strong sexual situations, but no nudity. It’s shocking at times and pushes some boundaries, but all rather delightfully and with a gentle wink.
The cast are fearless and totally committed and the result of that is a really great show. Entertaining, unusual and enlightening, wickedly clever and poignant. They do all this so well at the Fuzzy Bottom Theatre Company. Giving us a thrill while they remind us to be open hearted, loving, forgiving and human. Love it!!
It’s not up for long, so don’t dawdle!! Running March 22 through April 7, Friday & Saturday at 8pm, Sunday at 2pm
Featuring: Nicole A. Craig, Steve Fite, Karla Davis, April Littlejohn, Brendan Lynch, Taylor Carr, Amanda Talamantez, Ben Carr, Ellen Bienenfeld, Max Bowen, Darrius Marcellin, Catie Faye Smith, Jason Galindo, Kirstie McHugh, Heather Boothby, Yisrael Dubov, AJ Gardner, Stephanie Mayer, Dakota West, Cassidy vonKronemann and Michael Geretz.