Eco Therapy and Healing

It is said that when we don’t spend enough time outdoors, we can develop Nature Deficit Disorder.

One of the new trends in health and wellness and the medical industry is something called “Eco Therapy”. Sometimes know as “Nature Therapy”, it uses the natural world and the environment for physical and psychological healing.

Recent research shows that aromas that we breath in from plants when we’re outdoors in nature causes positive chemical reactions to occur within our body system. Things like just simply holding moist soil from the ground in your hand for 20 minutes can significantly improve your mood due to the bacteria in the soil.

We find many Doctors now pulling out a prescription pad and scribbling instructions to their patients—which park their obese or diabetic or anxious or depressed patient should visit, on which days, and for how long—just as though they were prescribing medication!

Eco Therapy comes in many forms, including garden and farm therapies; animal-facilitated therapies; wilderness experiences; environmental justice practices; reconnecting with place and ancestors; ecospirituality, and more. These and other ecotherapy healing methods are now being used in many settings, including schools, nursing homes, therapy offices, prisons and hospitals to treat a wide variety of presenting problems such as anxiety, depression, addictions and eco-anxiety.

I’m starting to get active with our local parks here in Los Angeles, bringing awareness to Eco Therapy and the importance of maintaining and creating nature trails and green spaces throughout our city for Angelinos to use. If you’d like to get involved go to

This year is the 100th Anniversary of our National Parks here in America. The National Park Service and the National Park Foundation have created a great interactive campaign/website called “Find my Park” where people can share stories and tips and research travel opportunities on their favorite National Parks. Go to and explore today!


Jack Witt, MS, CPT
Fitness and Health Coach
“Get Fit with Witt”
Individuals / Groups / Corporate
310.562.5629 Cell / 818.760.3891 Main  

* New Book “From Passion to Purpose”

Hike the Holy Land: Join me March 28 – April 5, 2016