Can you imagine wearing your new tennis shoes and you step into a pile of poop? You would be pretty angry. What if you where the manager or owner of an apartment building and the lawn was being ruined by local dog defecation? Mom, what if your toddler decided to rub the hot steaming poop on her face? What if you were out for your daily run in NoHo….you slipped on a pile of poop…a real urban experience? Your dearly loved companion “Spot” became ill because he came in contact with another dog’s poop which was filled with diseases and parasites. Unfair….Yes.
Paul Storiale, a NoHo resident and theatre producer became frustrated enough to write to This is what he had to say……
The NoHo Arts District is a great place to live work and play and that’s exactly what I have been doing for the last five years. The rent in North Hollywood is affordable enough to own and feed a dog, but many of its residents are unable to purchase or save proper baggies of some sort to clean up the defecation of their animals. I owned a dog and understand fully that my responsibility to my neighbors and to the community is to clean up after my loved one. However, not only to my community do I owe that respect, but to my dog and to myself. It’s a sign of character. A passion for the up-keep of my community and the fashion in which I was raised. To respect myself and others.
On the corner of Blakeslee and McCormick there lies an apartment building and on its lawn; a litter box for dogs. Dog owners around that block take their pooch to the same spot. Some are human enough to understand and some selfish and disrespectful allowing their dog to do their business as they ‘pretend’ to be busy on their phone that they don’t notice. I have seen this. I have watched. I have questioned dog owners. My point here, is that it’s up to us as neighbors to stop, watch, notice and question.
And if that doesn’t work?
What do we do?
The Los Angeles County Department of Public Works Environmental Programs Division developed a program to control pet waste. Los Angeles Municipal Code requires dog defecation to be immediately removed by the owner of the animal. Los Angeles County’s pooper scooper law is listed under the county’s nuisance ordinance and says, “Animal defecation on public property or upon private property other than the owner’s property is prohibited.” There are fines but the city does not enforce them.
In some cases, allowing your dog to poop on someone else’s property may even subject you to a civil lawsuit, even if no formal pooper scooper laws have been enacted. If, as a result of your dog’s feces, harm is done to private property, you may be required to pay for the damages
Sure, many of us don’t want to carry a pooper scooper or baggie but if we look at the potentials ramifications, maybe it is better to keep peace in the neighborhood and not get into a fight with your neighbor or apartment owner. We all know about “Road Rage”…well in NoHo, there may be “Poop Rage.” Neighbors do the right thing!
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