Councilman Paul Krekorian Launches Clean Streets Clean Start Program

Local NoHo News from the office of North Hollywood Councilman Paul Krekorian.

Councilman Paul Krekorian Launches Clean Streets Clean Start Program in CD2


Dear Friend:

This month, I launched a new program in the East Valley to beautify our neighborhoods and help our neighbors experiencing homelessness get a fresh start, called Clean Streets Clean Starts. 

The Clean Streets Clean Starts program, led by Don Larson, is a community partnership that recruits homeless volunteers to work on beautification projects in the local community.

Through its partnership with my office, the Hope of the Valley Rescue Mission, nonprofits, businesses, churches, and law enforcement, the program allows homeless individuals to participate in a work program that builds their job skills, provides mentorship, connects them with services and ultimately sets them up on a path to transitional and full-time employment and housing, once they complete the program.

Since its launch in Council District 2, the cleanup crew has already completed several beautification projects in North Hollywood from weed abatement and trash pick up, to cleaning medians and landscaping. I look forward to keeping you updated on the program’s ongoing work in the community.

I am committed to tackling homelessness in our community, and working collectively with our community members and local partners to move towards solutions. If have any questions or comments, please contact me: or (818) 755-7676.

Very truly yours,
Paul Krekorian
LA City Councilmember, Second District

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