A music review of Chris Forte’s “Backyard Astronomy” album.
Chris Forte’s “Backyard Astronomy” is a massive album. Fourteen tracks of gorgeous mostly instrumental music written and recorded over the pandemic and full of just the kind of meaningful hopefulness we all sorely need right now.
Cinematic, otherworldly, enigmatic and moving, without being sappy. A powerful mix of guitar, keys and stunning drums, enough of each to balance out this eclectic mix of music, a bit rock, a bit country, a bit jazz, bit blues and even a bit classical in places.

Chris Forte is an amateur astronomer, and since he spent a lot of time in his back yard perusing the stars and all the big questions they ask, this album seems to be a reflection of his reflections…these are big stories, big thoughts, big questions and even bigger answers.

These songs are about love, our place in the universe and what’s important to all of us. I think we’ve all got closer to ourselves over the past couple of years and Chris has put his heart and soul into this album and it’s clear he is hopeful about the world is heading while he still looks thoughtfully to his past. It’s a great album, honest, beautifully produced and deeply authentic. Chris Forte has a very moody voice all his own. Loved it!!
Chris Forte – Guitar, LaShera Moore – Vocals, Chris “Hambone” Cameron and Matt Becker – Keyboards, Chuck Webb, Brian Ebert, and Mike Zabrin – Bass, Rob Davis and Luiz Ewerling – Drums, and other various guests
Producer: Chris Forte
Official Website: www.chrisforteguitar.com
Instagram: @chrisforteguitar
Artist Contact Email: theforteband@gmail.com