[NoHo Arts District, CA] – A NoHo Arts music review of Brady Harris’s “Hotel in the Sky” EP.
North Hollywood local! How wonderful to discover this music and love it and then to find out that its creator, Brady Harris, is a NoHo native!
I loved this record. Truly. It’s nostalgic, with a gorgeous Beatlesque vibe. Well, more than a vibe really. Brady’s voice is eerily reminiscent of John Lennon. But it’s not mimicry at all. More like an echo of his voice through the lens of an American musician with his own story to tell.

I grew up in England, so the Beatles’ music is synonymous with just about everything to me. Listening to it is like breathing. So I can absolutely understand why their influence is so widespread. I suppose it must be hard not to be influenced in a way. But “Hotel in the Sky” is an extension of what they accomplished. It takes over from their repertoire and continues on in the direction of Brady Harris’s excellent musical mind.
The conversation musically from The Beatles to Brady Harris’s fine EP is a fascinating one. Once you listen to the tracks a few times, the Beatles thing sort of fades away…it’s just a collection of excellent songs beautifully sung and gorgeously produced. Something new from something permanent and existentially connected to everything.
Brady Harris is a brilliant songwriter and these songs are wonderful. Funny, sweet, poignant, and, importantly, relatable. Brady is an accomplished musician, he’s done a lot – recorded, performed, written and composed. If this music is his legacy, then it’s a fine one…but I’m hoping for much much more from him!! Loved it!!!
Stream or playlist the title track via Spotify.
Listen or purchase “Hotel In The Sky” at Bandcamp.
Watch the official music video for the title track.
Follow Brady Harris:
Official Website: https://bradyharrisband.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bradyharrismusic
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/bradyharrisband
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bradyharrisband/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2SAsji6K7UPhrKBYpFpss0?si=44AP-rJ5TVqCigJpkFzDaQ
Bandcamp: https://bradyharris.bandcamp.com/album/hotel-in-the-sky-ep
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/bradyharris
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/lagerlad
Artist Contact Email: brady@bradyharris.com