This month we travel to a permanent exhibition in Las Vegas, NV. We follow a beloved Los Angeles distillery: Lost Spirits Distillery. Coming soon to the Area 15 complex in Las Vegas, NV, Lost Spirits Distillery has found its home nested among a larger, interactive alien world.
Lost Sipirits Distillery is renowned for its unique, creative experience creation that bridges the gap between boozey hang-out and permanent, interactive art installation.

Area 15 is a melange of 14th Factory and Virtual Willy Wonka land. It officially opened its doors in February, 2021, and will continue to host viewers indefinitely.
Area 15 not only features Lost Spirits Distillery, but boasts an impressive industrial space turned into art galleries, virtual experiences, a zipline, an arcade, and Meow Wolf’s Omega Mart.

Omega Mart is an immersive experience that transports viewers into a literal alien grocery store, complete with grocery sore attendants and…surreal experiences (no spoilers!). This football field sized, extraterrestrial grocery store is only a fraction of the artistic compound.

OmegaMart is the Las Vegas baby of Meow Wolf, an arts and enterainment group housed in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Their large-scale installations raise eyebrows of local artists and pose the question, “How Capitalistic/trendy/researched are we willing to have immersive art experiences?” You have to hand it to Meow Wolf for the fantastical and cutting-edge world audiences are dropped into.

Meow Wolf is run by over 200 full-time employees, all of whom collaborate with other creatives to produce special paintings, sculptures, video productions, and architecture.

In a time where we are not only thirsty for large-scale experiences, Area 15 both employs and entertains in a safe and thoughtful alien world that’s somehow familiar.

3215 S. Rancho Vista Dr.
Las Vegas, NV 89102
Free to enter, galleries and Omega Mart tickets available online and at the door.