Weight Loss Products #1 Fraud

Weight Loss Products are the No. 1 type of consumer fraud in the United States. According to a report by the Federal Trade Commission, about 5 million Americans fall for these type of scams each year, some of them buying more than one item. The products include dietary supplements, nonprescription drugs, skin patches, creams, wraps, and even earrings (yes, there are earrings that are supposed to suppress appetite). The marketers typically promise substantial, rapid, no-effort weight loss without dieting or exercise….guaranteed. Why doesn’t somebody stop them you ask? Because there is no official governing body over nutrtition supplements and products. That’s right, it’s a free for all and anybody can claim anything they want on nutirtion supplements and pills, no matter how untested or far fetched it is as long as they put the word “may” before their claims. For example; “This product may help you lose 10 pounds in one week”.

So mosty likely in the end, the only thing you may be guaranteed to lose is your money!


Jack Witt
Lifestyle Fitness Coach
818-760-3891 Main
310-562-5629 Cell