Valentiger…Oh, to Know

Every so often you hear that album that makes you completely fall in love with a genre again. Lucky for me Valentiger have made that happen with their album, ‘Oh, to Know’.

This album is everything that is right with alternative-country music. It is catchy and fun but at the same time it is meaningful and memorable. It shows many different sides to the band, from the slow heartfelt ‘Love To Forgive’ to the Summer anthem that is ‘All I’. The guys have made sure they covered a range of topics and moods so there listeners will always have something to listen to, no matter how they are feeling.

Valentiger does well to take influences and mould them into their own style making something fresh. On the instrumental side of things it is all done to a high standard, there different range of instruments used on the album further reinforces its creativeness. I thought the use of horns on ‘Into The Sun’ really opened the dimension of the album up and brought another aspect you don’t often hear in modern music today.

The track that stood out as the strongest to me was ‘All I’, it was powerful yet simple, and it really captured the album in all its glory. At times the singer even sounds reminiscent of The Kings of Leon singer, which can only be another plus. The main positive of the record, was the tone of it. It is a very upbeat and will have its listeners in a good mood after listening to it. There are no real negatives to this CD, and they have seemed that they have made sure everything is just right.

After listening to this album several times, I can confidently say that it is a great album and worth a listen even if country isn’t your favourite style.

Rating: 8/10
