A migraine is a severe headache that often only affects one side of the head and can be throbbing, pulsating, or both. High sensitivity to light and sound, as well as nausea and vomiting, are common side effects. A migraine attack can cause excruciating pain that lasts for hours or days and starts to interfere with your daily activities. Various drugs are available to prevent and treat migraines, including sumatriptan tablets. Additionally, sumatriptan is available online.
Causes of Migraine
Environment and genetics do have an impact, even if the precise causes of migraines are not entirely understood. Migraine is usually inherited since it runs in the family. Thus, it probably has some genetic component.
Most migraine sufferers will have spontaneous attacks, which means that neither they nor anything they did cause the headache. Simply put, this is how the sickness behaves. Attacks can happen to some people for a known reason. Every person has different triggers. However, there are a lot of common triggers that significantly affect a lot of people. Stress, both positive and negative, certain foods, skipping meals, alcohol, excessive or insufficient sleep, changes in the weather or atmospheric pressure, shifts in women’s cycles, concussions, and severe traumas are some of the common triggers.
Migraines can affect people of any gender, age, ethnicity, race, or background, although it seems that women are more likely to have them than males. According to research, hormones may contribute to the three times higher prevalence of migraine in women compared to men. In addition, during their reproductive years, women are more likely than men to get headaches, and girls are far more likely to start experiencing migraines when they have their first period.
Migraine sufferers experience different symptoms. However, your headache might be a migraine, and you should consider seeing a doctor if you face all or some of the following symptoms.
- You experience mild to severe headaches frequently. The discomfort could be unbearable and excruciating.
- Your headache causes a throbbing, pounding, or pulsating sensation.
- One or both sides of the head could be impacted. Some individuals experience migraines in the area behind the cheeks and even around the eyes.
- Your head pain gets worse with any movement or exercise.
- Light, noise, or smells can surprise you quickly.
- You either throw up or feel ill to your stomach.
- You have to miss work, class, or other commitments because of your headache.
- A migraine attack can last four hours or several days.
Tips For Handling Migraine Hangover
When a migraine episode begins, all you want is to feel better. By taking medication, some people may experience relief from migraine headaches. If you need migraine first aid, consider the following suggestions. Most of these treatments carry little risk. The great news is that you could do multiple simple things on your own to lessen the pain without seeing a doctor.
Get lots of rest
Give yourself as much time as possible to rest and recover while healing from a migraine. If at all possible, gradually ease into your routine. For instance, if you’ve had a break from work due to a migraine, it might be beneficial to resume with a reduced workload for a few days.
If you can, start your job a little later than normal and finish it earlier. For your first day back, try to concentrate on elementary things.
It could be beneficial to:
- Schedule new times for social engagements and non-essential appointments.
- Ask a friend, relative, or babysitter to watch your children for a few hours.
- Plan a nap, a massage, or time for unwinding.
- While avoiding more intense exercise, go for a leisurely walk.
Limit your exposure to bright lighting
While recovering, you might want to minimise your time spent in front of computer displays and other bright lights if you suffer from migraines that cause light sensitivity.
If you have to use a laptop for work, education, or other obligations, changing the monitor’s settings to lower the brightness or speed up the refresh rate might be helpful. Regular breaks may also be beneficial to give your brain and eyes a break.
Consider taking a relaxing walk when your day’s tasks are finished, having a bath, or engaging in other relaxing activities. Relaxing in front of your computer, phone, tablet, or television could exacerbate lingering symptoms.
Sleep, eat, and drink to hydrate your body
Giving your body the relaxation, drinks, and nourishment it needs is crucial for recovery. Try, for instance, to:
- Get adequate rest. The average adult needs seven to nine hours of sleep each day.
- To help your body stay hydrated, consume plenty of fluids and other liquids. This is vital if you’ve recently vomited due to a migraine.
- Consume foods high in nutrients, such as a range of fruit, veggies, whole cereals, and lean protein sources. For a day or two, eat only bland meals if you’re feeling nauseous.
Some people report that certain meals make their migraine symptoms worse. For instance, typical triggers consist of alcoholic beverages, coffee, smoked sausages, and aged cheeses.
A Regular Exercise Program
Obesity also increases the risk of migraines. Therefore, migraine management may also be aided by achieving and maintaining a healthy body weight through exercise and diet.
Choose any exercise you enjoy, as long as your doctor is on board. Walking, cycling, and swimming are all frequently wise choices. Just remember to start out slowly because overly intense exertion can result in migraines.