Archway Studio Presents: The Women @ The Pinup Girl Boutique. This whole production has a little bit of magic to it.
A classic, brilliant play set in the 30s with outstanding female roles (and only female roles), all staged in one of the best stores in L.A., The Pinup Girl Boutique in Burbank.
I knew very little about Claire Boothe Luce, the writer of this classic and hilarious play, but after a bit of online research, I can report that she was a pretty incredible woman, a writer, politician, war journalist, conservative feminist, acid wit with ambition, drive and intelligence. Look her up!
This play was her most successful and it ran and ran and ran on Broadway and beyond for many years. It was made into a movie in 1939 staring Norma Shearer, Joan Crawford, Rosalind Russell, Paulette Goddard and Joan Fontaine. It’s not surprising that it would be produced, but it’s a tricky thing, to take such an iconic piece and do it justice. These fabulous female roles demand the kind of power, sarcasm, wit and nerve that can’t be faked.
The folks at Archway Studio have done a superb job. They have stayed true to the play and the characters and resisted the obvious temptation to bring it up to date, to modernize or reference our world today. Because of their determination to truly love the material and commit to the sheer joy of the characters, the story and, above all, the words, this play is hugely successful and an absolute delight.
The costumes are all furnished by the Pinup Girl Boutique and these lucky actresses have dozens of costume changes, each outfit more divine than the last. It’s a brilliant, fun and also human and heart-rending production.
It’s the age-old story of betrayal…by husbands, by best friends, by our own misplaced loyalties and fears. It’s all here in icy, bitter, sarcastic glory.
Surrounded by the beautiful clothes and immersed in the era of glamour and sass, these players have the perfect place to perform and it really is such a brilliant way to present this wonderful play. Bravo!! I loved it!
Everyone is fantastic too. They all look so happy throwing themselves into this play, strutting and wiggling and doing such wonderful work I truly couldn’t stop smiling the entire time. I highly recommend that you waste no time at all, it’s a very limited run, so get your tickets now!!
Running April 6 through April 21 Fridays & Saturdays at 8 pm
The Pinup Girl Boutique, 3606 Magnolia Blvd, Burbank, CA 91505
Written by Claire Both Luce
Directed by Steven Sabel
Production Staff
Producing Artistic Director – Steven Sabel
Assistant Director – Angie Robbins
Stage Manager – Masi Hasher
Set Design – Steven Sabel
Scenic Artistry – John Eddings
Specialty Costumers – Pinup Girl Boutique
Costumers – Sarah Morris, Angie Robbins, Krista O. Designs
Stage Crew – Jesse Durant, Ben Cramer
Music Coordinator – Steven Sabel
Graphic Design – Masi hasher
Rehearsal Space – Sally Schaub
ScentSpeare by LABdk – Daniel Krasofski
Sylvia (Mrs Howard Fowler) – Emily Blokker-Dalquist
Nancy (Miss Blake) – Sommer Branham
Peggy (Mrs John Day) – Sydnee Ortiz
Jane – Michelle Fuentes
Edith (Mrs Phelps Potter) – Hilary Weintraub
Mary (Mrs Stephen Haines – Annie Sabel
Countess de Lange – Mellissa “Mel” Virgo
Hairdresser – EmLee Vassilo
Pedicurist – Nisa Brazeal
Olga – Celeste Martinez
Miriam Aarons – Carolyn Vasko
Miss Fordyce – Heather McConnell
Little Mary – Maia Longhenry
Mrs Morehead – Sally Schaub
1st Sales Girl – Celeste Martinez
2nd Sales Girl – EmLee Vassilos
Miss Shapiro – Alex G. Smith
Miss Myrtle – Nisa Brazeal
Crystal Allen – Sarah Morris
Princess Tamara – Yoanna Nedyalkova
Exercise Instructress – Angie Dobson Robbins
Maggie – Alex G. Smith
Miss Watts – Angie Dobson Robbins
Miss Trimmerback – Nisa Brazeal
Nurse – Alex G. Smith
Lucy – Heather McConnell
Helene – Yoanna Nedyalkova
1st Cutie – Nisa Brazeal
2nd Cutie – EmLee Vassilos
1st Society Woman – Yoanna Nedyalkova
2nd Society Woman – Alex G. Smith
Cigarette Girl – Celeste Martinez
Sadie – Angie Dobson Robbins
Dowager – Heather McConnell
Debutante – Michelle Fuentes