In the throes of a pandemic, where near everything seems closed or suspended, what if we had an art exhibition that was open 24/7?
What if we could safely view an installation at any time of the day (or night) and socially distance – even drive-by – a perpetually open gallery exhibit?
Manic Castle Hash is an Outdoor painting installation by Kristin Posehn. Extant on a 30 ft x 9 ft cinderblock wall, Manic Castle Hash channels skyrise reflections as a vessel for commentary on cyclical and engrained financial disparity. In city finance hubs, such as DTLA, we can observe as spectators/citizens how skyscrapers reflect back on one another through their mirrored composition. This reflection can likewise be figuratively viewed in corporate bailouts, stock buybacks, and painfully discernable inequality.
The ‘Manic Castle’ can be interpreted as this never-ending (even accelerating) income inequality. The “Hash” portion of Manic Castle Hash refers to the mathematical method for compressing information. In a departure from encryption, hashed information can’t be returned to its original form. From contracts to password storage, hashing is used for a variety of tech means. The almost step-and-repeat-like form of skyscrapers reflecting on one another is a lucidly interpretable visual of the artwork. Located at 5601 W. Adams Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90016, Manic Castle Hash is available for a drive-by gallery viewing any time of day from August 15 – November 15, 2020 at Open Wall Salon.
Open wall Salon is a delightfully innovative art gallery which interrogates the very nature of how we conceive of (and perceive) art galleries (formal spaces to view artist’s works). The gallery space? A steel picket fence safeguards two mature fan palms and a lengthy thirty-foot cinder block wall. This cinder block wall is the rotating gallery which flouted traditional gallery hours long before the pandemic’s restrictions. Made possible by Stiftung NRW and support of the Open Face Food Shop, Open Wall is an open investigation into the ephemeral, and possibilities of continuous change.
Kristin Posehn
August 15 – November 15, 2020
Open for view at all times
Gallery: Open Wall Salon / Binomial Nomenclature
5601 W. Adams Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90016