Health >> Bathing Suit Diet – Lose Weight for Summer!

Bathing Suit Woes

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You can feel it in the air! Summer is just around the corner. The days are longer, the sun is brighter, and you’ll be dipping in the pool or soaking near the sand with a smile. Here’s 10 quick tips to get you fitting into your bikini or bathing suit in no time, and enjoy your sun worshiping.

10.) Eliminate Whites. Don’t eat any white bread, white rice, spaghetti/noodles, or potatoes. These contain little to no fiber and pack on the pounds.

9.) Drink Coffee or Tea. Recent studies show coffee might be just as healthy and healing as green tea. Both contain caffeine which will speed up your metabolism and burn more calories.

8.) Juice. Replace breakfast or lunch with fresh fruits and veggies by juicing. Turn it into a smoothie by adding ice and low fat yogurt or milk.

7.) Hike. It’s a great time of year to hit the trails and experience nature and the outdoors. You’ll burn anywhere between 300-600 calories each 30 minutes and melt that flab away.

6.) Sign up for a food program. Companies like Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, and Nutrisystem make it fun and easy to practice proper calorie and portion control while offering delicious meals to chose from or prepare.

5.) Hit the gym twice a day. That’s right, twice a day. The days are longer now in summer so you’ll have extra time and energy to slip into the gym for two 30 minute workouts daily. You can do it!

4.) Turn off the TV and take a walk around the block. With the weather being nice, there’s no reason to be sitting around the house watching TV. Get up and get out, and walk your neighborhood each evening after dinner.

3.) Drink more water. Water may help elevate your metabolic rate (the rate at which your body burns calories), and it makes you feel fuller longer so you don’t overeat. Also, being dehydrated (lack of water) makes you feel tired and sets up an obstacle to physical activity and exercise.

2.) Visualize. Place an old picture of yourself with that great beach body on your mirror or computer monitor. Imagine yourself looking that good again while being older and wiser.

1.) Think outside the exercise “box”. Enroll in a pole dancing class, zumba class, belly dancing class, or kickboxing class. Have fun!!


Call or email me and mention you saw this article on and I will meet up with you for a complimentary 30 minute planning session where we will personalize a 3 month action plan for you to take charge of your health and fitness!

You can ask questions, pick my brain, and I can let you know more about:

-The differences and benefits of Resistance/Weight Bearing Exercise vs. Cardio -Good Fats vs. Bad Fats -Good Carbs vs. Bad Carbs

-How to reduce Stressors that lead to Bad Habits

-When and how much to Exercise

-How many Daily Calories should you be Consuming and When

Jack Witt Lifestyle Fitness Coach
818-760-3891 Main
310-562-5629 Cell