Band: mylittlebrother Album: Nosedive Rating: 7/10

mylittlebrother have released their emotion filled EP ‘Nosedive’. It is a is very Beatle-esque bunch of songs, letting the listener become immediately familiar with its tone and sound. The band have taken their influences, added their own style and have created something not to be taken lightly. What makes it even better is that it isn’t only one style, at times it can come across slightly folksy adding a more poetic side to the songs.

What I liked about this band is their simplicity.  They haven’t tried to fill their listeners ears with studio trickery; they have simply stuck to what they know and made a small collection of songs that can be listened to time and time again always finding something new. Each track brings something new to the table, adding a nice mix for the listener.

The strongest track was ‘Disney Films’.  For me, it was a modern take on a classic folk song. By that I mean it was a story told by the singer that was accompanied by music rather than set music with “what ever lyrics fit” put in place.

On the whole it is a wonderful EP, it is short but full and cheerful. If you are a fan of The Beatles or anything from easy listening to folk then I would recommend this for you.

Check out their EP below,