An Interview with the Dreamgirls Cast

An interview with the Dreamgirls cast at the Cupcake Studios in NoHo Arts District. 

Director/ Choreographer Tor Campbell took the musical that first inspired his career and flipped it into a witty, modern adaptation that’s been playing to sold-out crowds!  

I recently got a chance to talk to the cast of “Dreamgirls” playing at Cupcake Studios in NoHo Arts District. When I saw it for the first time, my senses were on overload. It was a hot day so walking into a room with high ceilings and the AC on blast felt like heaven. Will call was a breeze which gave us time to notice a few familiar faces and meet new friends. All the while keeping our eye on the theatre door. Suddenly a hand waves above the crowd calling sections in and we single file down a hallway into a small, dimly lit theatre. Between the drinks we picked up from the bar, the intimate seating and that tantalizing popcorn smell wafting through the building, we immediately became disconnected from all the buzz on Magnolia Blvd. We were there as one; eagerly awaiting that first note and to watch this timeless story unfold no more than 7 feet away from us. 
A huge thank you to the cast and crew. I decided to do interviews instead of writing an article so you can see firsthand just how dedicated they are to put on an authentic, heart-stopping show. Please share this video and continue to keep the art of theatre alive!
Interview by Luckie @thatsluckie_ / @oldschoolskinny
Shot by J’Nelle Luckie @nellyb6

Part 1



Part 2


For @nohoartsdistrict